Join us at 9:15 every Sunday

Growth Groups are small group Bible classes who study the Bible and join in fellowship each Sunday at 9:15 AM. Learn more and get connected to a group that encourages you and yours, whether through life-stage or your location.


Art of Scripture

Family Room

A group that draws people together who desire to study Scripture in a way that changes lives.

Leaders: Kevin Rhodes and Mike Benaglio

Better Together


A group created to bring together married couples. This group will seek to create a space for couples to explore their pursuit of God together in ways that will encourage each other and foster stronger marriages.

Leaders: Carol and Archie Johnson

College Student Group

Room 20 in the office wing

This class is designed to help college students keep Christ at the center of their lives. There will be time for discussion, socializing, and eating!

Leaders: Friedrich and Susan Roetter

Families I


A group that draws people together who have children between birth and 5th grade for the purpose of encouraging each other in the pursuit of raising children who love God.

Leaders: Sam & Sarah Brown and Chris & Katrisha Tomberlin



A group that draws people of any age together to study texts, both biblical and theological, for insights on practicing our evolving faith in community.

Leaders: Brooke Hollingsworth and Karl Urban

High School


This gathering is for students in 9th-12th grade to engage in community, study, and supportive relationships.

Leader: Kathrine Pimentel

International Group


A group that draws together people from other parts of the world for the purpose of practicing faith together.

Leaders: Joshua Ramjaane, Rebecca Baker

Middle School


This gathering is for students in 6th-8th grade to engage in community, study, and supportive relationships.

Leader: Andrew Lang

Practical Christianity


A group that draws people together who are most interested in practically applying Christian truths.

Leaders: Steve Rosebaugh

Walking in Faith


We are a group of Christ followers seeking to live in Kingdom community, supporting each other by sharing our struggles and successes and covering them in prayer. We seek to grow and mature through topical and textual studies.

Leaders: Chris Freeman & Ken Gates

Women's Group


A group for women who aim to take God at his Word and want to live passionate, faith-filled lives.

Leader: Kerrin Gaenzle

Young Adults


A group for young adults to engage in community, Bible Study and supportive relationships.

Leader: Christian Pimentel