Open Saturdays, 9-11 AM

Westover is an equal opportunity provider.

We have bags of food, basic supplies, and diapers. We would love to serve you and pray with you! Please email us at with any questions.

Diapers distributed on the last Saturday of each month.

8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759 | 512-345-6386

Ways to Help


We are always in need of donations. Monetary contributions may be made to the Westover Hills Church Pantry either by check or online and donation of items can be dropped off at the Church Building during business hours of M-Th 8:00-5:00.

Items always needed:

Beef Stew | Cereal | Chili | Corn | Green Beans | Soup | Pasta Sauce | Fruit | Hamburger Helper | Mac N Cheese | Peanut Butter | Cans or Pouches of Tuna or Chicken | Dried Beans | Rice | Pancake Mix (Just add water) | Shampoo | Soap | Tooth Paste | Paper Towels | Toilet Paper


Having volunteers is the only way the pantry can happen on Saturdays. We are always needing help packing food bags, handing them out, and praying with people each Saturday.  

Sign up to serve by emailing or you can reach us here.

Our pantry also needs volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays to unload food, stock and make up bags of groceries/produce to hand out on Saturdays.